My story
My journey with Astrology began before I was born. When my mother was given a timeframe by her doctors for my cesarian delivery, she chose my birthdate by drawing up different natal charts and picking the one that resonated the most. She and I both say that we collaborated on my arrival, since I came an hour and 8 minutes later than planned.
I grew up surrounded by Astrology, Tarot, Esotericism, and New Age spirituality. Around age 12, I started teaching myself how to interpret other people’s birth charts. Interestingly enough, I didn’t initially ask my mother for help or even refer to the many books in our home for guidance; reading came naturally to me. I continued to read for friends in high school and college, even writing monthly horoscopes for my college newspaper. However, it wasn’t until 2017 — amidst a whirlwind of health crises and an incredibly karmic relationship that catalyzed me into a spiritual awakening — that I began to fully immerse myself, almost obsessively, into this practice.
As my former self endured an uncomfortably radical transformation, my astrological knowledge grew, previously repressed spiritual gifts blossomed, and my connection to the Divine deepened immensely. I decided to refine and combine these abilities into something that would not only further my growth and healing, but that of others, as well. This 3-year metamorphosis ultimately led me to found Double Venus Astrology in 2020.
MY Credentials
Over the past several years, I have continued to cultivate my practice through self-study, and by learning from and working with the best in my field. I have studied under astrological master and Kepler College co-founder Rick Levine as a part of his invite-only apprenticeship program. I have learned from, assisted, and co-taught with Jewel Mayberry of Truth in Aspect Astrology, and I have studied privately with Sam Reynolds of Unlock Astrology. I also briefly studied the art of Vedic astrology under John “Lakshman” Fontaine. I have collaborated with contemporaries and friends such as Cory Natsuke of Cosmic Dispatch and Jeff Hinshaw of Cosmic Cousins. In addition to my astrological practice, I am a trained Reiki practitioner and received my Second Degree certification in the Usui method from Reiki master Ana Norell of Anew Breath In. I am also extensively knowledgeable in the Tarot.
Why I Named myself “The Empress”
I chose the title as a reference to the 3rd Major Arcana card in the Tarot. The Empress card is ruled by Venus and is associated with the two Venus ruled signs, Libra and Taurus — my Sun sign and Moon sign. In a practical sense, the title seamlessly ties into the concept of the Double Venus brand and mission. But on a deeper level, The Empress is the Divine Feminine archetype that I strive to embody in everything I am and do.
The Empress is the totality of every queen in the deck; She has the mental clarity of the Queen of Swords, the distilled passion of the Queen of Wands, the emotional intelligence of the Queen of Cups, and the material abundance of the Queen of Pentacles. She is the ultimate nurturer, provider, and protector and she is undeniably secure in her selfhood. A true symbol of fertility, creativity, and love, the Empress represents the highest expression of what I consciously commit to bringing into this practice, and into the world at large.
Thanks for reading!
I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me and my story a little better. Now, I’d like to get to know you better! Book a reading with me to deepen your relationship with self, humankind, and the ever expanding Universe that resides within you.
Photo by Leah Wendzinski
My natal chart in Placidus - the house system I grew up with.
From the Modern Witch Tarot deck. Design by Lisa Sterle.