Choice: Where Soul and Spirit Merge
Fixation with God as a masculine energy (Spirit) and as white (pure light) when God is both active, creative force and infinite creative material promotes patriarchy and white supremacy. The passive state, the darkness where all information lies is the feminine (Soul). The active state, the lightness where the will to illuminate takes place is the masculine (Spirit). We are as a society conditioned to be obsessed with the order of masculine energy that comes from the act of creation, that we forget to also worship the chaos of feminine energy that exists irrespective of will.
The unconscious state of existing and the conscious state of creating need each other to thrive. The idea that the self has to die in order to become one with God is dangerous. The self that is steeped in ego has to die, yes. The ego itself has a function here in this Earthly realm, but has nothing to do with the Soul. The Soul in its pure form does not need, nor contain an ego. When the ego becomes inflated or distorted by the illusion of the physical world, we become more and more disconnected from the true self, the whole self. This true self wants to be realized and evolve, which is where Spirit comes in.
Spirit helps bring the unconscious into conscious action. It is the spark of light, the breath of life, inSPIRation that moves through the Soul for growth and evolution. There is an allowance that has to take place on part of the Soul. This is the power of conscious thought - choice. Choice is where the feminine and masculine, passive and active meet and merge in order for ultimate enlightenment to begin to take place. Your Spirit also has to be pure in order to achieve this. What is the intention of your will? The assumption that Spirit is perfect, and the Soul is imperfect is also a distorted view. Both forces want to evolve together. Spirit needs the context of the Soul to evolve through, as well. It is a symbiotic relationship.
What is light without darkness? It has no context and no purpose. What is darkness without light? It lacks the ability to be aware of itself and ceases to exist. Light and dark need each other. It is the foundation of every truth in the entire Universe.